Nomination and selection of a Club Executive can be carried out through one of these procedures:
The Executive members of the club will be self-appointed until the club is ratified and an election can be held.
An impartial committee is appointed from amongst Club members to ensure that there is at least one qualified and willing nominee for each Executive position. The committee starts its work prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Club, at which time it will present its slate of nominees.
Nominations can be accepted from the floor either at a meeting prior to the Annual General Meeting or at the General Meeting itself. The nominations must be authorized by the nominee in order to run.
Once the Nominating Committee has presented its slate of nominations, the floor is opened to nominations from the assembly. These nominations are dealt with as stated above.
In the event that there is only a single nominee for an Executive position, a vote by either a “show of hands” or a “secret ballot” must be conducted, where a minimum of 50% plus 1 votes of a quorum of Club members will determine if the nominee is to be accepted as “acclaimed” to the Executive.
In the event that there are 2 or more nominees for an Executive position, a vote by secret paperballot, or online ballot must be conducted, where the successful candidate will be that person with the largest number of votes from a balloting of a quorum of Club members.
The Club must select an impartial 3rd person to serve as a Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for the election of Club Executive other than through acclamation. The CRO must conduct a Secret Balloting of Club members in accordance with ULSU ByLaws. For assistance with a Secret Ballot, the Club may also consult the ULSU Chief Returning Officer, VP Student Affairs or General Manager.
The Club may develop an “on-line balloting” of its members, together with an impartial 3rd party which will provide the necessary technical support. This is a difficult process to set-up, and should only be considered by larger established clubs with significant membership. For assistant with on-line balloting, the Club should consult the ULSU Chief Returning Officer, VP Student Affairs or General Manager.
Clubs are responsible for all of the costs associated with the selection of their Executive members.