Pub Crawls

Students’ Union’s Liability Insurance will absolutely NOT extend coverage to pub crawls or similar events. The reason for this is that pub crawls entail considerable liability exposure to all parties involved - transport company, bars, staff, club executives, participants, other 3rd parties - and a deficiency by any one of those will provide liability for all. That means that there is no possible way for the Students’ Union to be able to sanction, assist with, publicize, or otherwise tolerate any aspect of organizing a pub crawl (or anything remotely resembling a pub crawl). Ratified Clubs and their Executive members are expressly forbidden to undertake any of the following:

  • Organize a pub crawl.
  • Co-sponsor a pub crawl.
  • Sell tickets for a pub crawl on behalf of another group, agency or business.
  • Advertise a pub crawl through club/U of L/ULSU listservs, spaces, publications or resources.
  • Provide Club support or organizational efforts to a pub crawl hosted by a ‘pub crawl business’ or Pub or other 3rd party.

Club Executives are Advised

  • If your club participates, in any capacity, with a pub crawl, the Club Executive members will find themselves personally liable for any consequences. That liability can have severe financial and even Criminal Code repercussions.

  • If your club participates, in any capacity, with a pub crawl, then the ULSU will be forced to seriously consider de-ratification of the club.

For further information, please contact the VP Student Affairs (, the Operations Coordinator, (, the General Manager (, or U of L Risk Services (